Cost of DUNGEON roll : 5 LawUSD per LawPunk
DUNGEON Reward Chances -
JACKPOT(1%): Win The Dungeon Jackpot.
NIRVANA(1%): Your Punk gets one level boost .
ARROW OF TIME(6%): Get HUGE amount of lawETPs.
EQUILIBRIUM(30%): 0.1 lawETP.
ROUT(62%): You won't get anything for your Punk.
FIGHT for #LAW with up to 10 LawPunks. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Reveal the results within the end of the countdown or ROUT.
DUNGEON fee is recirculated via BlockNG DAO Recycle : https://app.gitbook.com/o/Q6h4liLjUYpbEv4WG9dd/s/96ytk0kDlr7LBtH6O2rh/~/changes/jZQJrNz0RpW6sOHYyuZO/
Last updated