Last updated
The Bolivar Contract is a fork of Callisto Network's cross-chain bridge contract.
Callisto Network is an experienced provider of audits . Through multiple internal audits, we have used Callisto Network's contract as the basis for Bridge Bolivar.
BlockNG BridgeBolivar :
Callisto Bridge:
Deployed Bridge Contract:\
About Callisto NetworkοΌ
Callisto Network is a decentralized platform based on Ethereum protocol with its cryptocurrency (CLO).
Launched by the developers of Ethereum Commonwealth (Ethereum Classic), Callisto Network focuses its attention on the weakness of the cryptocurrency space, namely the security.
Since 2018, Callisto has made numerous contributions to improve Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, EOS and has conducted over 350 smart contracts audits, making us the leader of the crypto-security industry.
The cross-chain bridge allows multiple validators and will operate in a 2/3 format during the initial phase of operation.
The Current validators:
One Neutral BCH Institution (For the sake of protecting the security, the name is temporarily hidden)
We welcome other institutions of BCH (holding BCH volume > 2000 BCH) to join the verifier to increase security.