Transferring BCH between BNB Chain and smartBCH
Bridge via bcBCH
The easiest way to get Binance Pegged BCH is to withdraw BCH from the Binance exchange to BNB Chain (BEP20).
bcBCH is BCH bridged from BNB Chain.
Enter smartBCHοΌ
Convert the Binance Pegged BCH (0x8ff795a6f4d97e7887c79bea79aba5cc76444adf) to bcBCH by crossing the cross-chain bridge.
Swap bcBCH to BCH at MistSwap.
Exit smartBCHοΌ
Swap BCH to bcBCH at MistSwap.
Convert the bcBCH to Binance Pegged BCH (0x8ff795a6f4d97e7887c79bea79aba5cc76444adf) by crossing the cross-chain bridge.
Bridge via bcUSDT
bcUSDT is USDT bridged from BNB Chain.
Enter smartBCHοΌ
Convert the Binance Pegged USDT (0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955) to bcBUSDT by crossing the cross-chain bridge.
Check "Need Gas" if you have no startup funds on smartBCH.
Swap bcUSDT to BCH at MistSwap.
Exit smartBCHοΌ
Swap bcUSDT to bcBCH at MistSwap.
Convert the bcUSDT to Binance Pegged USDT (0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955) by crossing the cross-chain bridge.
Help Boost the liquidity of smartBCH and BNB Chain
Adding bcBCH - BCH Liquidity in Mist
Adding bcUSDT - BCH Liquidity in Mist Notice: Both Pools can get MIST Reward in MIST FARM
Last updated